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Cummins Generator RS13A, 13kW, 120/240v.
13kW. 120240 V. 60 Hz. NGILP. 54.2354.2 Amps, 3600 rpm, 100 Amp circuit breakor, remote moritoring capability. 4 amp battery charger, 65 dBA) rated sound-attonuated weather protoctive onclosure, alterator sip ring heater. NFPA 37 compliant
Cummins Generator RS17A, 17kW, 120/240v.
17kW. 120/240 V. 60 Hz. NGILP. 54.2354.2 Amps, 3600 rpm, 100 Amp circuit breakor, remote moritoring capability. 4 amp battery charger, 65 dBA) rated sound-attonuated weather protoctive onclosure, alterator sip ring heater. NFPA 37 compliant
Cummins Generator RS20A, 13kW, 120/240v.
17kW. 120/240 V. 60 Hz. NGILP. 54.2354.2 Amps, 3600 rpm, 100 Amp circuit breakor, remote moritoring capability. 4 amp battery charger, 65 dBA) rated sound-attonuated weather protoctive onclosure, alterator sip ring heater. NFPA 37 compliant
Cummins Generator RS20AC, 20kW, 120/240v.
Gensel: 20kW. 120/240 V. 60 Hortz, NGLP, 75 83.3 Amps, 3600 rpm, 100 Amp circuit broaker, romote monitoring capability. 4 amp batery charge, 65 8(A) rated sound attenuated weather protecive enciosure. aternator sip ring heater. NPA 37 complart
ATS: 200 Amp sorvice entrance rated, nema 3R
Cummins Generator RS13A, 13kW, 120/240v. | Cold Weather
13kW. 120/240 V. 60 Hz. NGP. 542/542 Amps, 3600 rpm, 100 Amp circuit breaker, remote moritoring capability, 4 amp battery charger, 65 BIA) rated sound-attonusted weather protective coclosure, alternator ip ring heater, Includes the extreme cold weather kit installed NFPA 37 complant
Cummins Generator RS17A, 17kW, 120/240v. | Cold Weather
17kW. 120/240 V. 60 Hz. NGP. 542/542 Amps, 3600 rpm, 100 Amp circuit breaker, remote moritoring capability, 4 amp battery charger, 65 BIA) rated sound-attonusted weather protective coclosure, alternator ip ring heater, Includes the extreme cold weather kit installed NFPA 37 complant
Cummins Generator RS20A, 20kW, 120/240v. | Cold Weather
20kW. 120/240 V. 60 Hz. NGP. 542/542 Amps, 3600 rpm, 100 Amp circuit breaker, remote moritoring capability, 4 amp battery charger, 65 BIA) rated sound-attonusted weather protective coclosure, alternator ip ring heater, Includes the extreme cold weather kit installed NFPA 37 complant
Cummins Generator RS20AC, 20kW, 120/240v. | Cold Weather
Genset: 20kW. 120/240 V. 60 Hz. NGP. 542/542 Amps, 3600 rpm, 100 Amp circuit breaker, remote moritoring capability, 4 amp battery charger, 65 BIA) rated sound-attonusted weather protective coclosure, alternator ip ring heater, Includes the extreme cold weather kit installed NFPA 37 complant
ATS: 200 AMP service entrance rated noma 3R